Monday 9 January 2012

Help in Hosting First Blog Event!

Help! Help! LOL. Okay so my help isn't like someone trapped in an island and needs someone rescue me from the island. It's just a well, asking you guys for help!
I'm planning to host my first event, here in my blog. I've been meaning to do it since I started blogging. It's a bit of game and of course, related to books. I'm not going to share it with you guys now since it won't be a surprise! Plus, I'm still not sure if it's going to work. We all know that events are always fun with prizes, right? I want you guys to enjoy the event too!
If any of you can help me find authors who would donate swags (even just a single bookmark) for this event, I will be very grateful! If they want to donate a book, you have my undying gratitude, lol. Please keep in mind that I'm looking for YA authors since the event will be related to YA books.
Just by helping me spread the word that I'm looking for authors to donate swags is already appreciated! So everyone who reads this post, can you please help me? I'm looking at about 10 authors who are willing to donate swags. If I can get more, that would be AWESOME. When I've found 10 authors who are willing to donate swags, I'll share with you guys the details of the event so we can start playing!

If you do find an author who are willing to donate, please direct them to me via Twitter, my blog or Email. If you are an author yourself (wow, I'm honoured!), please send me an Email so I can inform you more details about the event!

Thank you so much for reading this post, everyone!! Go and spread the word! :D

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