Thursday, 26 April 2012

Follow Friday #9

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #91 

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read.

This week's featured question is:

Have you had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke up" with later on in either the series or a stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.


My answer:

Well, this is a very hard question! Hmmm, the only character I can think of is a character from one of my latest reads which is Temptation by Karen Ann Hopkins. I really liked one of the main characters, Noah, in the beginning but as I continue reading about him (since the book is also written from his POV), I disliked him even more. By the time I finished the book, I had mixed feelings about him. I'm looking forward to read the sequel to see if my opinion about him changes by the next book! 

What about you? Leave links to your #FF below and I'll definitely check it out! Happy Friday! :)


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean about Noah's character. I too have mixed feelings for him.

  2. I haven't read that book yet. Maybe I should just to know whether or not I agree LOL

    Patricia // My Hop

  3. I would have found this hard to answer, it's hard to remember the mediocre characters, they're easy to forget!

  4. Haven't heard of that one. But I probably won't look into it now.

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Haven't heard of that book, so I'll take your word for it ;)

    Stop by my #FF?

  6. Thanks Lord I havent read that book XDDDDDDDD


  7. This is a tough question! I'm having trouble thinking of a character that really let me down. Usually I just don't get along with a character in the beginning, I can't think of loving one in one book and then not caring for them in the next. Hope you have a fantastic weekend Celine!

  8. Oh I don't know this book so I couldn't say, but it's always sad to have a character like that...

    here is mine

  9. {new follower here}

    I have not read the book therefore I have no opinion. Thank you for sharing.


  10. Hi Celine!
    New follower!
    I sadly can't say anything because i never read that book before. :(
    My FF!
    Nice to meet you!

  11. I haven't read the book but can understand a slow dislike building.
    Old follower hopping through.
    My FF

  12. Ooooh, Celine, I still have to read Temptation... colour me intrigued, m'dear! Can't wait for your review xx


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